Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Santa Fe Beatdown

In a grocery store parking lot in Santa Fe, NM a man driving a pick-up truck hit a 5 year old girl that  darted in front of his car. When Derrick Manuel stopped his vehicle to check on the girl, three of her relatives jumped him despite the fact that it wasn't his fault.  They beat the living crap out of him, and it had to be broken up by witnesses. Maybe they should have gone and beat up the person in charge of the girl, because it was clearly their fault for letting her bolt in front of a car. The girl suffered minor injuries, and Manuel suffered contusions, swelling, and cuts to his face and body. Manuel wasn't arrested in the incident, because surveillance video proved it was obviously an accident. Unbelievably, the thugs who jumped Manuel weren't arrested either. Lt. Louis Carlos ridiculously stated, "Because we didn't witness the fight or the punching, it falls in the realm of a misdemeanor." Really officer? In order for someone to be arrested for battery they have to assault the victim right in front of a cop huh? That makes a whole lot of sense.
Even though the surveillance video shows Manuel was not speeding, the child's mother thinks he got off too easy. "He was in the wrong by running the stop sign and speeding when there’s families, there’s kids, there are newborns,” said Patrece Visarraga. She is obviously trying to deflect the blame of not paying attention to her child. I mean, I can understand being pissed that your child was hit, but at least accept the blame for being irresponsible.

                                                                 Surveillance Video

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