Friday, October 14, 2011

Another Mother of the Year Award...

FAIL! While chaperoning her daughter's  school field trip in Wayne, Wisconsin, a woman overdosed on heroin. Nice. At some point during their trip to Pioneer Village, chaperone Stephanie Bailey, who was accompanying her 7 year old daughter, decided to take a trip to the bathroom to get stoned. When she never returned, one of the parents went to check on her. She found Bailey passed out on the bathroom floor next to some hypodermic needles. She at first thought Bailey was a diabetic until she noticed a glass pipe. First aid was administered and police were called. She was awake when police arrived, and claimed she took both oxy-contin and heroin the night before to celebrate her birthday. They found four baggies of heroin, 2 pills, a metal spoon, a clear glass pipe, alcohol pads, hypodermic needles, rubber tubing, 2 containers of sterile water, and a lighter. Wow, her get-high kit was fully stocked.
I will never understand why she decided to chaperone the field trip if she wanted to get super-crazy stoned. Why not just stay home?? If she had stayed her behind home, she could've done whatever she wanted, and no one would have known. Now her kid is humiliated and everyone knows mommy is a druggie.

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