Thursday, October 27, 2011


A bunch of friends were hanging out in a park in Vallejo, CA last Friday evening when one of them made a ridiculous $100 bet. The 21 year old (who shall remain unnamed) bet his buddies that he could fit his behind into one of those plastic child swings that have the leg holes. The man won the bet by slicking down with laundry detergent and squeezing himself into it. He was so successful in forcing his body into the swing that he got stuck and was unable to get out. To make matters worse, his friends abandoned him there (not before a round of uproarious laughter I'm assuming).

Finally, after 9 hours, a park employee heard his screams for help and called the police. The first thing responding firefighters did when they got there was cut the chains holding the seat. STILL wearing the swing, the man was transported to the hospital. Can you imagine how hilarious he must have looked?! A cast cutter was required to move the swing, and I'm not sure how the hospital staff kept a straight face or if they even did.

It's pretty messed up that his friends left him there though. Maybe they didn't really like him after all, and that was their was of getting rid of him for the night. I guess $100 was the cost of his dignity.

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