Thursday, December 8, 2011

Rash Decisions

A fourth grade student in Gaston County, NC, was suspended for sexual harassment for calling a teacher "cute". Emanyea was suspended for three days as the school claims they have had previous problems with the boy calling other students names. I've heard kids say much worse things to teachers and not even get in trouble. The boy's mother was outraged at his suspension and contacted the local news. Soon CNN and The Huffington Post reported the story to the nation, and a hail-storm of criticism was aimed at the Brookside Elementary school and their decision to suspend the child. Not long after, school officials determined there was no sexual harassment and offered an apology to the child and his parents. OK, I understand the suspension was a harsh decision, but in an equally harsh decision the principal who suspended the child lost his job. Principal Jerry Bostic was given an hour to decide whether he was going to retire or be fired. What he did was wrong, but the man has been working in the school system for 44 years and this was his only real mistake. He has a 98 percent approval rating from parents. Give him the benefit of the doubt. Expunging the boy's record, national attention, and apologies should make his mother happy right? Apparently not, because she is threatening to sue. This whole situation has gotten completely out of hand.

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