Friday, September 30, 2011

PokeHer Face

I know economic times are tough, but if you want a cosmetic procedure, I recommend you go to a professional instead of taking matters into your own hands. 63 year old Janet Hardt was trying to save a little money by formulating a homemade version of Botox. She took fat she extracted from boiled beef, and injected it into her face. Hardt became obsessed with her wrinkle smoothing concoction. Even though she had done this several times before, Thursday, Sept 8th was her last time. Later that day, she went to the hospital complaining her face was burning and died hours later. Actually, she didn't die from her DIY cosmetic procedure, she died from a bacterial infection caused by weakened walls in her colon. Although the melted animal fat injections smoothed her skin, those who knew her claim she traded wrinkles for grotesque scars. Even though she didn't actually die from the self injections, her death raises awareness to the extremes people are going to for beauty.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Enjoy Your Coffee, B#&%*

At Starbucks everywhere, it's not uncommon for the employee to give you the wrong order. However, at a Starbucks in Hell's Kitchen, NY, an employee was apparently not thrilled with a customer's reaction to his screw up of her order. So he decided to give her a, um, nickname. After arriving at her job soon after, the customer discovered her cup was labeled as "bitch". Needless to say, she was less than thrilled. In fact, she was so pissed-off that she decided to completely shun Starbucks, and go to a different coffee shop. She even refused to accept several apologies and vouchers from a store

manager. A Starbucks spokesperson said officials "have apologized numerous times for this unfortunate misunderstanding". Hmm.. I don't think it's a misunderstanding, I think she was being a "female dog" over getting the wrong coffee, and the employee decided to call her one. It seems crystal clear to me! I'm not defending the guy, he was completely wrong and should be fired, but she must have been pretty rude for him to actually write that on her cup. He did what I'm sure every Starbucks employee has wanted to do at some point in time. I bet now she will think twice before copping a tude' with someone else.